Climate Finance and Sustainability | Papa Kwaku Baah Orgen

Papa Kwaku Baah Orgen joined me on the GLC podcast to share his take on Climate Finance and Sustainability. 

Papa is a lecturer at the Fulda University of Applied Sciences and an external doctoral candidate at Ulm University, both in Germany. He is also an external research associate of the Center of Climate and Sustainability Finance at USI Lugano in Switzerland. His research focuses on building market-based mechanisms for pricing voluntary carbon offsets and developing market designs that encourage investment in carbon projects with quality and environmental integrity. He has previously worked predominantly in the energy industry in Germany at RWE and PGNiG in various risk and project management roles. Papa is married to the love of his life Sharon and is based in Fulda, Germany. When not conducting research, he loves to play the bass guitar, follow news on financial markets or get involved with his local church.

Get in touch with Papa Orgen:  Email: or, Tel.: +49 (0)661 9640-2898

Orgen’s projects


  1. IPCC Report 2021 – Conference Slides
  2. How Do Climate Policy Events Shape the Pricing of Carbon in ETS Compliance and Voluntary Carbon Credit Markets?
  3. Explaining the price of voluntary carbon offsets
  4. What is Climate Finance?

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2 thoughts on “Climate Finance and Sustainability | Papa Kwaku Baah Orgen”

  1. Buabeng Emmanuel

    This is interesting. I love the Part where Mr. Baah mentioned that electric car innovation will start carbon revolution where cobalt which is important in battery manufacturing is mined.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Emmanuel.
      It’s very important to bear this in mind for future innovations as well if we really want to achieve the regenerative economy.

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